
To ease the landing I offer an extended first session at a reduced fee. This is so that we can take our time to start the process, and for you to have the opportunity decide if I'm the right therapist for you.

The fee for this sessions is £50 and it runs for up to 90 minutes. The assessment fee is the same for standard and low-cost sessions.

Initial Consultation

I see clients in person in Peckham. This space offers a calm and relaxing environment and is explicitly queer and trans friendly. My fee for online sessions is £90. My fee for in-person sessions is £90-140. This sliding scale offers the opportunity for those who can afford to pay more to do so, which means I can offer low cost space to those unable to afford therapy otherwise.

Standard Sessions

I offer a limited number of low-cost spaces for clients that are unwaged, or on low incomes. These spaces are strictly subject to availability. If I have no availability I can add you to a waiting list until one comes available.

There is a sliding scale for low-cost work, which we can discuss in the assessment.

Low-cost Sessions

If you are a sex worker, I am partnered with National Ugly Mugs and offer the first 3 sessions of therapy for free through their access scheme. They can be contacted here: casework@nationaluglymugs.org

NUM Free Sessions

Unless agreed in advance, I charge for all missed sessions. If you are unable to make a session for any reason, I will always try to offer you an alternative appointment that week if I have an available timeslot.

Session Fee Obligations