Relationship Therapy

This type of therapy is for two or more people who are in relationships together. To reflect the styles of relationships I see in my therapy room, I don't call this "couples" therapy although often that is the case. I will see people in platonic relationships, various polyamorous configurations, chosen family and more. 

Red and white mushrooms growing from moss

How I Work in Relationship Therapy

My background in Psychodynamic work is paired with Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) to support you in getting to the core of what is being brough up in difficult or painful dynamics in your relationship. This approach looks at how we feel, and what these feelings mean to us, as well as the different types of attachment we experience in relationships.

Queer relationship dynamics are not always well understood by those external to the relationship - here I offer an open-minded space for you to bring your significant relationships however they may look. I welcome more expansive configurations, such as throuples as well as pairs. 

I am experienced in thinking about and working with alternative ways of having relationships, for example non-monogamy and open relationships, kink dynamics, polyamory, and platonic life partnerships. I have particular experience working with sex workers, and the unique issues that arise in intimate relationships for this group. 

Sessions are available as 1 hour and 1.5 hours and are available in-person in Peckham or online via Zoom.


For relationship therapy we will have a look in the assessment at what is financially viable for each person involved on a sliding-scale basis. Subject to availability I have one low cost couples slot available in my practice. Higher rate slots subsidise the availability of low-income slots for those who otherwise cannot afford it.

The assessment which is 90 minutes is £90.